Who Am I
Born and raised in the Woodstock area, I found my passion for quilting in 1979 when I became pregnant for my son, Tim. I made him an embroidered yellow gingham baby quilt which I will cherish forever. I taught myself from there on plus took classes from some very qualified teachers and started teaching classes myself. I taught for 6 years at Mary Maxims in Paris, Ontario and then passed the reins on to a good friend and extremely qualified teacher. Now I have time to make quilts for my growing family. I am blessed to be the mother of a wonderful son named Tim, 2 step children, Danielle and Nathan, that I adore and 3 grandchildren. Damion, Charlotte and John. (In 2014 I also welcomed a new son-in-law, Matt as well as a daughter-in-law, Corinne.) And lets not forget my wonderful husband, Dan and our 3 dogs and grand-kitty.I enjoy all types of quilting but would have to admit my favorite is paper piecing and traditional piecing. At first, I quilted all my quilts by hand but finally conquered the fear of stippling by machine and now do all my quilts by machine as well as quilting quilts for friends and customers. I love to make table runners, wall hangings and/or quilts for all my family and friends and guess what I give for wedding and shower gifts.
font-weight: normal; During my quilting years, I have been a member of 3 different quilt guilds. And if you want to be around a wealth of knowledge, join a quilting group. They do one day classes, go on quilting shop hops, have trunk shows, guest speakers as well as making charity quilts. One thing I have learned about quilting over the years is that not only is there a whole different language for quilters, but that you will never find a more helpful group of people. One of the other resources I have enjoyed and found useful is the quilt chat on the Quilting Board and spend many early mornings or late night hours talking with other quilters from around the world. We share pictures of our quilts, swap ideas and I have been lucky enough to even meet a few of the members.

Life changes in so many ways. In 2014, we found out that my son was thinking of moving back to Woodstock from Sarnia and my husband came up with the idea of moving to our cottage in Stokes Bay, Ontario if he would be interested in renting our house. We kept a bedroom in the house and my husbands garage so this allowed us a place to stay when we came back to visit family and friends. After all how many people want to welcome you into their homes to visit with three dogs. And it benefits all of us. Although I was sad to leave friends and customers at Lens Mill, it has always been our dream to retire at the cottage and I haven't regretted the move yet. I still do custom quilting but also do the sewing and mending for the Bruce Peninsula and have recently gone into upholstery for recreational vehicles.
Well, there are still a few seams to be sewn and bindings to be put on, so check out what I have made and who knows, if you are in the market, maybe there is a custom quilt I can make for you. It has been a pleasure setting up this site for you to enjoy. Happy quilting to all of you.